viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

5th and 6th Primary Education
We're reaching Christmas time. These days we are going to hurry up trying to finish unit 3. We're also singing Christmas Star (we must memorize it).


  1. Tuesday the 11th- Correct activities. PB p20/21+Acts. AB 29/30.
  2. Wednesday the 12th-Correct acts. PB p.22 + Acts. AB 29-34. Revision.
  3. Friday the 14th- Correct acts+ grammar activity (Adjectives and Present Simple Tense).
  4. Tuesday the 18th- Exam U3. Christmas homework.
  5. Wednesday 19th- Christmas unit +games+ skills revision....
  1. Monday the 10th- Correct activities 27-29. PB p.21/22 + acts. AB p.30-32.
  2. Wednesday the 12th-Correct acts. AB 30-32. Revision. Finish acts AB p. 33/34
  3. Friday the 14th- Correct acts+ grammar activity (Simple Tense).
  4. Monday the 17th- Exam U3. Christmas homework.
  5. Wednesday 19th- Christmas unit +games+ skills revision....

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

I do think we all enjoyed the breakfast, don't you?. Here you have some pics of the meal, good taste!!

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

5th Primary next week: 26-30 November 2012

  1. *Monday 26th November, 2012: Correct activities p. 21-24. Doubts ans questions before the exam. 
  2. Wednesday 28th November, 2012: Exam Unit 2. Good luck!!

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Next Tuesday 27th of November we're gonna have a good English breakfast for 6th level.
Here you can see some pictures of another breakfast two years ago. Good taste!

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Activities for the next week (19th-23rd, November):
*Tuesday 20th November, 2012.- Correct activities, sing MJ song and check exam unit 1.
*Wednesday 21st November, 2012.- Revision Unit 2. Bring questions and doubts.
*Friday 23rd November, 2012.- EXAM UNIT 2.- Good luck

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Bé, aquaesta experiència que contarem a continuació la dum a terme amb els alumnes de sisè. Es tracta de treballar una cançó en Anglès durant un trimestre. 
Aquest primer rimestre treballarem Man in the mirror d'en Michael JAckson. Primer cercam la lletra, la traduim i l'escoltam fins que la sabem de memòria. Finalment la interpretam a la festa de NAdal amb una coreografia. No només treballam el listening, reading i writing si no que també fem speaking perquè analitzam què ens volen dir amb aquesta cançó, quinn'és el missatge, què podem fer, en definitiva, per canviar el món: Començarem per l'home del mirall (nosaltres mateixos).

So this is the song we're going to sing this term. ;)