jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Geometry 5th

Measure of angles. Plane angles and full (complete) angles.

See how is measured the angle A with the protractor
*First: place the protractor so that the Center coincides with the vertex of the angle
*Second:  look on the protractor the number through which passes the other side of the angle. This number is his measure in degrees. The angle A measures 45 degrees. 
*Concentrate on the name that these angles have and what measure they have. 
Flat angle. It measures 180 degrees and the sides are in the same straight line.

Full (Complete) angle. It measures 360 degrees and the sides coincide.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

GEOMETRY 5th 8-10-13

Teacher: Honorio

Recta= straight line AUDIO
Segment= segment AUDIO
Semirecta= semi straight line AUDIO
Angle recte= right angle AUDIO
Acutangle= acute angle AUDIO
Obtusangle= obtuse angle AUDIO
Adjacent= adjacent AUDIO
Consecutiu= consecutive AUDIO
Vèrtex= vertex AUDIO
Mediatriu= perpendicular bisector AUDIO
Bisectriu= angle bisector AUDIO
Poligon= Polygon AUDIO
Triangle= triangle AUDIO
Rectangle= rectangle AUDIO
Rombe= rhombus AUDIO
Regla= ruler AUDIO
Transportador= protractor AUDIO
Compàs= pair of compasses AUDIO
Graus= degrees AUDIO

The sloping tower of Pisa is the belfry of the cathedral of this city.
It was constructed in the year 1173 and since its construction began already he began inclining.
The height of the tower is 55,7 meters and it has a 14700 tons weight.
The inclination of the tower is approximately of 4 degrees from the vertical, and every year increases.
To prevent from falling down, the government of Italy realized, not long ago, a reconstruction work to try to reduce the angle of inclination of the tower.
When was the Tower of Pisa built?
In which of these drawings are the Tower of Pisa data represented?

Remember what you know
Semi straight line and segment
The point P divides the straight line r in two semi straight lines
The origin of the two semi straight lines is the point P

A segment is the part of the straight line between two points. Points A and B are the ends of the segment AB

Types of angles and its elements
Straight angle sharp angle obtuse angle.